As Chief Executive of Arquebus Solutions Ltd (Arquebus), I am personally committed to ensuring and maintaining the highest ethical standards and levels of integrity by which our Company, its employees and business partners carry out our business, wherever they operate throughout the world.

Arquebus will not engage in bribery and corruption and will act positively to prevent it and avoid it. We operate a zero-tolerance approach to the making or receiving of bribes or any corrupt payments in any form. This type of conduct is absolutely prohibited whether committed by employees or anyone else acting on the Company’s behalf.

My colleagues and I on the Arquebus Board shall review our risk to bribery and corruption on a regular basis and shall ensure that everything is provided to our colleagues and employees to empower them in the prevention, avoidance and control over bribery and corruption. Arquebus employees shall be provided with the right tools and knowledge to identify and avoid the risk of bribery and to report any concerns confidentially and without penalty. I am pleased to support and endorse the Arquebus AntiBribery Management System Framework.

James Hopper
Chief Executive Officer