Key Appointments Announcement: 2023

Arquebus continues to expand through key appointments across the team. Arquebus is pleased to announce the promotion of Paul James, one of the original founders of Arquebus, to Executive Chairman of the Board, and James Hopper to Chief Executive Officer. Arquebus is also pleased to announce the appointment of Andy Williams as Chief Operating Officer and Dr. Joanne Short as Ballistic Technician.

Andy had a distinguished 33-year career at Avon and Sommerset Police where he became a senior leader with extensive knowledge and experience in Intelligence, Major and Serious Crime, and Counter Terrorism. He had considerable involvement working collaboratively with strategic partners such as HM Government, the Security Services, the Military and Public Sector Services, to ensure effective operational delivery of key events and risk management.

Andy joins Arquebus as its Chief Operating Officer and is responsible for implementing the company’s strategic plans, driving operational efficiency, internal compliance and governance, programme delivery, and ensuring smooth day-to-day operations.

Joanne is one of the UK’s leading ballistic forensic experts having worked for both the Forensic Science Service and National Ballistics Intelligence Service (NABIS) since 2001. Joanne helped establish and then maintain NABIS’s Quality Management System, which led to them successfully gaining BS17025 accreditation as well as implementing the UK’s Forensic Science Regulators Code of Practice. She is also a UKAS accredited auditor for ISO17025.

Joanne is Arquebus’ leading expert responsible for providing remote managed ballistic forensic services to its clients worldwide and Arquebus is proud to have her on the team.

At Arquebus, we take pride in our proven record of designing, delivering, and presenting SALW research. For more information about how we can assist you in security research projects, please contact us.

Recent News

NSCS 12: A Year in Review

Over the last twelve months, Arquebus has published a series of blog posts on how jurisdictions can effectively control small arms, light weapons and their ancillaries (SALW) via the development and implementation of a comprehensive National SALW Control Strategy (NSCS).

NSCS 11: National Legislative Frameworks

We talk to Paul James, Arquebus Chairman and co-founder, to discuss the vital role that National Legislative Frameworks (NLFs) play in a NSCS and how intelligence-led policing (ILP) can facilitate their effective enforcement and development.

NSCS 10: International Cooperation and Information Exchange

The effective control of small arms, light weapons and their ancillaries (SALW) is an endeavour that goes beyond national borders.Arquebus is delighted to welcome Adriana Toston Diez, Major in the Guardia Civil and EMPACT Driver, to discuss the importance of international cooperation and information exchange in a NSCS.

NSCS 9: SALW Collection and Destruction

SALW collection and destruction programmes (SCDPs) help to combat the excessive accumulation of SALW and play a key role in post-conflict reconstruction efforts. Arquebus is delighted to welcome David Hutchison, Weapons Marking Specialist for the HALO Trust, to share his insights on implementing successful SCDPs and how they can support a NSCS.

NSCS 8: Physical Security and Stockpile Management

The Physical Security and Stockpile Management (PSSM) of SALW is a vital step toward reducing the risk of unplanned detonation and diversion of SALW. Arquebus talks to Clinton Brunt, Technical Field Manager from the Mines Advisory Group (MAG) in Lebanon, to discuss the role of PSSM in a National SALW Control Strategy.

Arquebus Chairman Paul James Speaks to Walkers and Talkers

Arquebus’ Executive Chairman and former head of the National Ballistic Intelligence Service (NABIS), Paul James, recently delivered a talk to the fantastic audience at Walkers and Talkers, a Bristol-based charity alleviating social isolation in the local community.

NSCS 7: Legal Test-fire Programmes

The diversion of small arms, light weapons and their ancillaries (SALW) into illicit circulation fuels SALW misuse, with the prevention of diversion being a critical objective of many national SALW control strategies (NSCS). Depending on a state’s requirements, authorities might consider the implementation of a Legal Test-fire Programme (LTFP)...

NSCS 6: Marking SALW and their Ancillaries

The proper marking of small arms, light weapons (SALW) and their ancillaries is vital to detect and disrupt the diversion of SALW into illicit circulation. Arquebus talks to Henry Leach, Head of Operations for Conflict Armament Research (CAR) in Somalia, to discuss CAR’s SALW work in Somalia and the key role marking plays in a NSCS.

NSCS 5: National Firearms Focal Points

The misuse of SALW represents a significant threat to public safety, requiring the state to effectively leverage its resources to level the playing field against criminals operating in an ever-evolving security environment.For this month's article, Arquebus talks to Lorenzo Benedet, Major in the Spanish Guardia Civil and head of the Spanish NFFP to discuss the role that NFFPs play in combatting SALW criminality as part of a national SALW control strategy (NSCS)...