Tag Archive for: Conflict
NSCS 9: SALW Collection and Destruction
Blog SALW collection and destruction programmes (SCDPs) help to combat the excessive accumulation of SALW and play a key role in post-conflict reconstruction efforts. Arquebus is delighted to welcome David Hutchison, Weapons Marking Specialist for the HALO Trust, to share his insights on implementing successful SCDPs and how they can support a NSCS.
NSCS 6: Marking SALW and their Ancillaries
BlogThe proper marking of small arms, light weapons (SALW) and their ancillaries is vital to detect and disrupt the diversion of SALW into illicit circulation. Arquebus talks to Henry Leach, Head of Operations for Conflict Armament Research (CAR) in Somalia, to discuss CAR’s SALW work in Somalia and the key role marking plays in a NSCS.
Arquebus CEO Warns of Weapon Diversion Risk in Ukraine Conflict
NewsArquebus’ Paul James, a renowned expert investigator of firearms crime, recently spoke to BBC news about the risks associated with the diversion of Ukraine conflict firearms.
Learning From Experience: Firearms Proliferation in Ukraine
BlogOne of the major international security implications arising from the conflict in Ukraine is how to manage the long-term threat...