Tag Archive for: Lifecycle Management

NSCS 11: National Legislative Frameworks
BlogWe talk to Paul James, Arquebus Chairman and co-founder, to discuss the vital role that National Legislative Frameworks (NLFs) play in a NSCS and how intelligence-led policing (ILP) can facilitate their effective enforcement and development.

NSCS 6: Marking SALW and their Ancillaries
BlogThe proper marking of small arms, light weapons (SALW) and their ancillaries is vital to detect and disrupt the diversion of SALW into illicit circulation. Arquebus talks to Henry Leach, Head of Operations for Conflict Armament Research (CAR) in Somalia, to discuss CAR’s SALW work in Somalia and the key role marking plays in a NSCS.

NSCS 3: State SALW Lifecycle Management
BlogThe diversion of small arms, light weapons, and their ancillaries (SALW) from state stockpiles is a core contributary to illicit arms proliferation across the globe. The lifecycle management of state-owned SALW helps deter, deny, and detect such diversion, and represents an essential building block of a national SALW control strategy...