Tag Archive for: Proliferation
NSCS 9: SALW Collection and Destruction
Blog SALW collection and destruction programmes (SCDPs) help to combat the excessive accumulation of SALW and play a key role in post-conflict reconstruction efforts. Arquebus is delighted to welcome David Hutchison, Weapons Marking Specialist for the HALO Trust, to share his insights on implementing successful SCDPs and how they can support a NSCS.
3D-printed Firearms & Myanmar: Implications for Conflict and Security
BlogMSc Development and Security students from the University of Bristol's School of Politics and International Studies guest article on a the conflict and security implications of 3D-printed firearms.
Arquebus CEO Warns of Weapon Diversion Risk in Ukraine Conflict
NewsArquebus’ Paul James, a renowned expert investigator of firearms crime, recently spoke to BBC news about the risks associated with the diversion of Ukraine conflict firearms.
Learning From Experience: Firearms Proliferation in Ukraine
BlogOne of the major international security implications arising from the conflict in Ukraine is how to manage the long-term threat...